Special Reconnect Order
Reconnect or avoid disconnection
Ohio’s electric and natural gas customers have the opportunity to use the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s (PUCO) Special Reconnect Order (SRO) from October 16, 2023, through April 15, 2024, to reconnect or to avoid disconnection of their utilities.
The SRO is available to customers of Ohio’s investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities. Customers should contact their utility company to use the SRO. There are no income restrictions to use the SRO.
- The Order allows any electric or natural gas customer of an investor-owned utility to pay a maximum of $175.00 to maintain or reconnect service even if the customer owes more.
- If the service has been disconnected, the customer may be charged a reconnection fee of no more than $36 upfront to restore service. If the company’s reconnection fee is greater than $36, the customer may have to pay the balance on the next month’s bill.
- Customers who owe more than $175 will need to make payment arrangements with the utility company for the remaining past due amount.
- Customers who are at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines may enroll in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus). For more information and to get enrolled in a payment plan, contact your local utility company.
- PIPP Plus customers with past due amounts greater than $175 may be able to have any remaining unpaid balance placed in their PIPP arrearage (total account balance). For more information, contact your local utility company.
- Customers who are not enrolled in PIPP Plus may be charged a security deposit. If the security deposit amount exceeds $175, the SRO can be used. The remainder of the deposit may be applied to the next month’s bill.
- If both the gas and electric utilities are in disconnect status (disconnected or with a disconnect notice) the customer may use the SRO to apply to both utilities at the same time, splitting the $175 between the two. For more information, contact your local utility company.
Assistance with the Special Reconnection Order
- Customers who are at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines may be eligible to receive assistance with the $175 payment through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Winter Crisis Program. Contact your local energy assistance provider.
- Consumers should speak with the utility company or their local energy assistance provider (community action agency) before using the SRO to ensure that the $175 payment is being used in accordance with the SRO. If a customer is using the HEAP Winter Crisis Program, the local energy assistance provider (community action agency) will coordinate with the utility.
To find your local energy assistance provider (community action agency), select “find a local provider” at www.energyhelp.ohio.gov or call 1-800-282-0880. Customers may also contact the PUCO at 1-800-686-7826 for questions or assistance with using the SRO.
Contact the utility:
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