How to Shop for Lightbulbs
Consumers have many options for energy-efficient lighting, but selecting the right bulb can be difficult due to the complex labeling. Manufacturers are required to label brightness, appearance, and efficiency specifications on their packaging. This fact sheet simplifies the information to help you choose the best bulb to meet your needs.
The most popular light bulbs available are:
- LED (light-emitting diodes) bulbs, and
- CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs.
These bulbs may initially cost more than traditional incandescent bulbs, but save money because they use less energy.
Lighting Facts
Energy Costs
- LED bulbs—Energy Star-certified LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.
- CFL bulbs—An Energy Star-certified CFL uses about 70% less energy than incandescent bulbs and lasts up to 10 times longer than a comparable traditional incandescent bulb.
Although halogen incandescent bulbs can meet the current federal minimum energy efficiency standard, LED and CFL bulbs are better choices for saving money.
It’s hard to beat the value LEDs offer. Not only have they become more affordable, but they tend to last many years longer than other bulbs.
Know your Bulb
LED bulbs are a durable and energy-efficient alternative to incandescent bulbs, lasting up to 50,000 hours and using 75-90% less energy. They emit no heat and reach full brightness instantly. Smart LED bulbs can be remotely controlled and programmed. They are more expensive initially but can lower energy costs over time.
Other Lighting Considerations
LED bulbs are cheaper and easier to use, so traditional bulbs are disappearing from stores. But, don’t throw away your energy-saving CFL bulbs. They can last for many years and are up to 75% more efficient than regular bulbs. Just remember that CFLs have a small amount of mercury, so it’s important to recycle them the right way.
Learn more about recycling and proper disposal of CFLs from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency at https://epa.ohio.gov/. For more energy information go to www.energy.gov/energysaver/save-electricity-and-fuel/lighting-choices-save-you-money and www.energystar.gov/products/light_bulbs.
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