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Energy Efficiency Scavenger Hunt

Energy Efficiency Scavenger Hunt

Are you an energy saver or an energy waster?Energy Efficiency Scavenger Hunt

The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel’s (OCC) Energy Efficiency Scavenger Hunt is a fun way to separate energy savers from energy wasters in your home.

Search throughout the house. As you go, look for each of the categories to earn points in the “Energy Efficiency Savers” section or earn negative points in the “Energy Efficiency Wasters” section.

Once you have completed both sections, subtract the total number or “Energy Efficiency Wasters” from the “Energy Efficiency Savers” to see how you measure up.

The higher the number at the end, the better an “Energy Efficiency Saver” you are.

Energy Efficiency Savers

Earn points for each energy saver you find in your home. Total the number of points at the bottom of the column.


How many Energy Star products are in the home? (You may need to look at owner’s manuals.)

Earn 1 point for every Energy Star product in the home.

Products with the Energy Star logo meet or exceed federal energy efficiency standards. Visit for more information.


Has a home energy audit been done?

Earn 0 points for “no” and 5 points for “yes.” 10 points for a professional audit.

A do-it-yourself energy audit can help reduce energy wasters. Professional audits tend to go into greater detail to identify the best and most economical ways to save energy.


Is the dryer filter clean and ready to dry the next load of clothes?

Earn 0 points for “no” and 5 points for “yes.”

A clean lint filter in the dryer is safer and improves air circulation and saves energy when drying clothes.


Is there a programmable or smart thermostat or is the thermostat manually adjusted when no one is at home or sleeping for at least 8 hours?

Earn 0 points for “no” and 5 points for “yes.”

Adjusting the thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours can save up to 10 percent a year on energy bills. A smart or programmable thermostat allows you to manage the temperature to save energy. Customers with heat pumps must use an appropriate thermostat.


Has the furnace filter been checked in the last month to see if it needs changed?

Earn 0 points for “no” and 5 points for “yes.”

A clean furnace filter makes the heating and cooling system run more efficiently and saves energy.


Total Energy Efficiency Saver Points

Energy Efficiency Wasters

Lose points for each energy waster you find in your home. Total the number of points at the bottom of the column.


How many lights are on in a room when no one is in it?

Earn 1 negative point for each light left on with no one in the room.

To save energy, always turn off the lights when they are not in use.


How many chargers are plugged in that are not actively charging a device?

Earn 1 negative point for each charger plugged in without a device or attached to a fully charged device.

Generally, chargers use energy regardless of whether a device is attached, or it is fully charged.


How many blocked registers or baseboard heaters and radiators are in the home?

Earn 1 negative point for each blocked register, heater, or radiator.

Registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators should be clean and unblocked to increase efficiency of the heating and cooling system.


How many leaky faucets are in the home?

Earn 1 negative point for each leaky faucet.

A leaky faucet can waste up to six gallons of water a day. When it is a hot water faucet, the energy to heat that water is also wasted.


Are computers left on continually throughout the day even though no one is using it?

Earn 5 negative points for each computer left on when not in use. Earn 1 if it is in sleep mode.

Computers can consume a considerable amount of energy even in sleep mode. When not in use, they should be turned off. You can save even more energy by unplugging it.


Are televisions turned off when they are not in use?

Earn 5 negative points for each television left on when not in use.

Televisions can consume between 60 and 400 watts when on, depending on age and features. Wasted energy can add up quickly when they are not being watched.


Total Energy Efficiency Waster Points


Total Energy Efficiency Saver Points


Total Energy Efficiency Waster Points


Total Energy Efficiency Points


Check out OCC’s fact sheets Conserve Energy and Save Money, What’s draining your energy? Vampire Power, Beat the Heat Summer Cooling Tips, Saving Energy During the Holidays and A Consumer’s Guide to Water Conservation at to learn more ways to save on utility bills.


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If you need multiple copies for an organization or group, please contact a member of our outreach team.