Duke has submitted a three-year wish-list to the PUCO that includes increased distribution charges to consumers. Under Duke’s proposal distribution charges billed to consumers will increase by $11.27 per month by the end of 2028. A typical residential consumer using 1,000 kWh per month could see their electric distribution bill increase annually by about $135 at the end of 2028.
The increased charges (riders) to consumers would collect for lost revenues, utility-run energy efficiency programs, infrastructure modernization, electric vehicle charging stations, and more. OCC will be reviewing all of these potential charges to ensure that Duke consumers are charged no more than necessary for the delivery of electricity to their home.
The added sting for Duke’s consumers is that this closely follows a $23 million rate increase that first hit consumers’ bills in early 2023. And now, in a different proceeding, Duke is asking for another $14 million added to that rate increase because of a mistake it made.
This new proposed rate hike to consumers comes courtesy of Duke’s electric security plan. Since utility-friendly legislation passed in 2008, these types of rate increases have become a common tool for Ohio’s electric companies to collect more money from consumers outside of a standard distribution rate case. These types of rate plans provide more “security” for utilities than consumers. OCC supports Ohio Senate Bill 143 to eliminate such electric security plans.
OCC is actively engaged in this case. We bring a team of experts to the table dedicated to uncovering the facts behind Duke's proposal. We will be advocating for just and reasonable rates for Duke’s residential utility consumers.
Make Your Voice Heard at the PUCO
Below are several ways you can let the PUCO know your concerns.
Speak In-Person: Two local public hearings will be held as follows:
Middletown6 p.m. Sept. 4, 2024MidPointe Library125 S. Broad St.Directions:https://bit.ly/MidPointe-Library-Directions
Downtown Cincinnati6 p.m. Sept. 10, 2024Cincinnati City Hall, Council Chambers801 Plum St., Room 300Directions:https://bit.ly/Cincy-City-Hall-Directions
At a local public hearing, consumers can share their views face-to-face with at least one of the five PUCO commissioners. Those that testify will have their comments included as evidence in the case record that the PUCO must consider in ruling upon a utility’s request.
Click for OCC tips on how to speak at local public hearings: https://bit.ly/occ-make-your-voice-heard.
The public may also attend the evidentiary hearing scheduled in October at the PUCO Offices in Columbus:
Downtown Columbus10 a.m. Oct. 22, 2024180 E. Broad St., Hearing Room 11-ADirections:https://bit.ly/puco-columbus-directions
Comment Online: Click on “File a Public Comment” at https://bit.ly/duke-esp-24
Send Mail: Send a letter referencing Duke Energy and PUCO Case 24-0278-EL-SSO to:
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
180 E. Broad St., 11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Virtual Public Hearing Requested
OCC has requested that the PUCO hold a virtual public hearing on this rate increase proposal. And Duke has opposed OCC’s request.
Jobs, health challenges, mobility issues, disabilities, childcare, eldercare, transportation limitations and other concerns make it difficult for Ohioans to attend an in-person hearing. Duke’s consumers deserve the opportunity to be heard by a PUCO commissioner.
Want to Know More?
OCC’s Motion to Intervene on behalf of Duke Energy consumers is available at this link: https://bit.ly/occ-mti-duke-esp-24.
Here is a link to the PUCO docket with all the filings in the case: https://bit.ly/duke-esp-24.
Call or e-mail your advocate, the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, at 1-877-742-5622 or occ@occ.ohio.gov.
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If you need multiple copies for an organization or group, please contact a member of our outreach team.